IT Recycling operates nationwide


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E Waste

Providing EPR Credits for recycled e-waste

We are certified to handle hazardous materials and can safely dispose of old computers, monitors and other electronics in our environmentally-friendly facility. We also offer data destruction services, laptop recycling and printer recycling

recycling services mean that you can hand over all waste management to a certified company

E-Waste Collection and Transportation

Sorting and Segregation: Separation of different types of e-waste (e.g metals, plastics, batteries) for efficient processing and recycling

recycling services mean that you can hand over all waste management to a certified company

Refurbishment and Repair

Refurbishing reusable electronics, which involves repairing and upgrading components to extend their life. This is often followed by selling these refurbished devices at a lower price point

Data Destruction and Sanitization

Secure data wiping from electronic devices like computers, hard drives, and mobile phones to ensure privacy and data security for the previous users

Recycling and Material Recovery

Breaking down non-refurbishable electronics to extract reusable materials like metals (copper, iron, aluminum and Gold), glass, and plastic, which can then be reintroduced into the manufacturing supply chain

SK Chopda Group E Waste

Component Resale and Parts Recovery

Harvesting functional components (such as chips, screens, batteries, etc.) that can be sold or reused in other electronics, thus reducing the need for new materials

Certification and Documentation

Providing certificates for environmentally friendly disposal and recycling, often necessary for businesses to comply with e-waste management laws and corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards

SK Chopda Group E Waste

Customized Waste Management Solutions

Tailoring services for large-scale clients (like corporations or institutions) that need frequent or bulk e-waste management, including options for dedicated on-site

Providing EPR Credits for recycled e-waste

Secure data wiping from electronic devices like computers, hard drives, and mobile phones to ensure privacy and data security for the previous users

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